On Tue, 28 Apr 1998, Dave Bell wrote:

> On Tue, 28 Apr 1998, RJS Crossley wrote:
> >     Tarquin Publications of Stradbroke, Diss IP21 5JP, England,
> Haven't found anything by them on Astrolabes, though.
> Dave

I got the Sundial book and an Astrolabe "kit" at the Old Royal 
Observatory at Greenwich. Apart from the fact that the designs in the 
book don't go below 30 deg latitude, and I'm ant 18 deg, it's excellent. 
I've built most of them, modified as best as possible for my latitude.

The "Make-it-yourself Astrolabe" seems to be published by the National 
Maritime Museum. The label says it cost UKP 2.50. I also got a carboard 
Nocturnal kit too while there. 



Keith Manison                               Phone (876)927-2148
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