Out of 3477 dials on the BSS register there are 586 recorded as having a
motto.  211 of these have no recorded date but if the distribution between
dates on non-dated dials is the same as that on dated dials (that may not be
right...) the results would be:

Dials with mottos in the various centuries:
15xx    5       0.9%    (but only 3 dials are actually on the register with
dates and mottos in this century)
16xx    98      16.7%
17xx    197     33.6%
18xx    111     18.9%
19xx    112     19%

Those percentages reflect the spread for the dials with both dates and
mottos.  So the 18th Century appears to be the most prolific for mottos in
Britain. I have no information about the USA/Colonies.

Hope this is useful

From: Robert E. Shapiro
To: sundial@rrz.uni-koeln.de
Subject: Garden sundial mottoes
Date: 09 July 1998 16:14

        I am interested in the origins of motto inscriptions on early
English and
American garden sundials.


1) Does anyone have information about what are the EARLIEST KNOWN sundials
which are inscribed with mottoes from England? from the American colonies?
2) Does anyone know HOW COMMONLY garden sundials were inscribed with
mottoes in the 18th century in England? in the American colonies?

Thanks very much to all in advance.

Bob Shapiro

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