Apologies for a totally off-list query but things are fairly quiet at the 
moment - and one or two list members enjoyed my last poser!

More than ten years ago my late wife and I entered a proverbs 
competition. You know the sort of thing, a set of initial letters and you 
have to identify the proverb/saying.

e.g. M.H.M.L.W. = "Many hands make light work."

     H.I.T.B.P. = "Honesty is the best policy"

Every year or so, usually when completing my neglected tax forms, I keep 
finding the unsubmitted entry form with just one item remaining blank and 


I've searched every proverb list I can find but it still evades me,

Can anyone put me out of my misery?

Definitely NO PRIZES for the first answer - just heartfelt gratitude!

Tony Moss.

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