Dear friends

First of all -- and this is more important than anything else --
I want to thank all those people who immediately gave
me a credit of confidence even before hearing anything
from me.

Secondly, I want to thank those that did a nice detective
work and clarified where the message came from.

Even though I have answered some (if not all) messages
in private, I want to make some points publicly.

I did not write that message. I don't think I'll ever write
a message like that. When I disagree, I just say so,
not without giving my reasons to disagree. I don't assault
people because of their ideas, especially when we are
talking about technical issues.

Specifically on counterfeit message what I have to say is that

a) My knowledge about EOT is quite supercial. I don't have
    the knowledge the would allow me to agree or disagree with
    any of the proposed solution or explanation. This alone would
    recommend me to stay silent about the issue;

b) About the saying, I think it is quite universal as opposed to
    Brazilian. Nevertheless, I would translate it into stupid
   but "fool".

d) If I were to flame somebody, I would never begin saying
   "I have to start something".

e) I am not a "true" dialist myself and I don't think this is
    derogatory, so I would never use this to offend anyone.
    I am the most amateur of the dialists in this list.

As some people have already noted, I sign my messages
with a "- fernando" in the left margin, I never write "f" in
upper case; I never centralize it; the only e-mail address
I have is "[EMAIL PROTECTED]". I've never had an
account with "".

I want to tell Jim and everybody else in this list that
I think he is a great guy as virtually everybody else
in this list. I don't know if his
equation, data or calculation are right or wrong,
and I don't think it matters. What matters is that
he has been trying to share his knowledge. Everybody
that wants to use the information he is sharing has had
an opportunity to check the validity of his contribution.
Other people have contributed other ideas and solution.

This is a great list populated essecially by very good,
knowledgeable and genereous people.

"Ruby" has created an opportunity to execute his
vengeance on me because of the unforgetable support
this list gave me when he attacked me.

Fortunately I don't think he attained his intent.

Jim, I am sorry for the embarrassment that forgery message
may have caused.

I think every time this list resists this kind of attack we get
stronger and less vulnerable to the pests the lurk from
behind phony names and phony e-mail addresses.

- fernando

Fernando Cabral wrote:

> Hello to All.
>   I hate to start something, but I think that Jim Morrison is a fraud.
> I have check his equations for EOT, and I believe that he just made
> them up. Here in Brasilia, we have a saying to translate which means,
> "even a stupid man may be considered wise if he keeps his mouth shut".
> If you don't know something Jim, than be graceful enough to ask for
> help for someone who does. But please don't make up non-factuous
> nonsense. I know that Jim is not a true dialist, that his interests
> are elsewhere, and maybe he is just jealous of the rest of us. I hope
> I have not to offend anyone, I'm just helping to keep everyone aware
> of the facts.
>                                               Fernando
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Fernando Cabral                         Padrao iX Sistemas Abertos
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