Greetings, fellow dialists,

Douglas Hunt asked about an analemmatic dial on a slope.  Yes, well,
I've been planning an analemmatic dial on a vertical surface for quite a
while.  Trouble is, the plan has not left my armchair for the wall
opposite my kitchen window, where I can watch it while I wash up.  I'm
in 55 north, nearly on the Greenwich meridian.  The wall declines 34
degrees east of south, taking the morning sun. The solution seems to be
to work out the layout for a dial in 35 degrees south latitude, as
suggested by Tom McHugh and Tony Moss.  The peg gnomon thus sticks out
horizontally from the wall.  This solution was proposed to me by Fred
Sawyer at last year's meeting of the British Sundial Society at
Dunchurch when I asked for his help (I hope I'm citing you correctly,

But the minor axis of the analemma ellipse must lie in the earth's axis
and with my declining wall I think it must be along what is hermetically
called in the trade the style distance, in its case 21.4 degrees from
the vertical.  So, for further developments, watch this space.  Or else
go and find some wet paint and watch it dry.

And that reminds me. Geordie, it seemed, was leading his donkey home but
called on the way at an Irish club, where he remained for several hours.
On emerging he found his donkey had been painted green.  Returning
inside he demanded to know the culprit.  An Irishman measuring two pick
handles across the shoulders put down his pint of stout and rose to
acknowledge the deed.  "I just wanted to say," said Geordie, thinking
quickly, "that your first coat's dry."

Frank Evans

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