I made a brass gnomon with hand tools using a small plate of 3/16" brass.
I glued paper to the brass and transferred a sort of scrollwork pattern to
it and then cut it with a combination of hacksaw, fretsaw, drilling and
assorted files including needle files.  It came out looking fine.  

At that point I thought I might be able to braze or silver-solder a sort of
foot-piece perpendicular to it.  This would then be screwed to the dial
with small screws.  I had a small amount of experience silver-soldering
small pieces, but was not able to do this both because of lack of technique
and lack of a hot enough flame.  I ended up taking it to a nearby welding
shop and having it welded/brazed on.  They did a reasonably good job, and
it all worked out in the end but I was disappointed not be able to do it

What kind of torch does one need to braze a two pieces of 3/16 brass
together using brazing rod for filler, and what kind of flux should be
used?  I tried using a boric acid solution and a torch with oxygen and mapp
gas but was not successful.  And how do you do this without burning up the


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