Dear Tony,

>I need to know the correct term for a sundial in as many languages as
>possible but to ensure that I get it right, particularly the spelling!!
>:-) could I please ask for contributions - although limited to western
>style characters for no other reason than my wordprocessor can only
>handle such.
        What an endless source of surprise and delight this list is!  My
Hindi dictionaries give 'dhupghadi' (literally 'sun clock').  That is a
crude and not very accurate transliteration.  A more accurate, but
typographically more obtuse rendering would be: dhuupghaDii (using
capitalisation to indicate retroflexion...)



Peter Mayer                 | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Politics Department         |
University of Adelaide      | 'phone:+61.8 8303 5606/5610
Adelaide, SA 5005           | FAX: (+61.8) 8303 3446
AUSTRALIA                   |

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