Dear Shadow Watchers,

On Friday the 18th, Fernando replied:

>Thibaud Taudin-Chabot wrote:
>> I came also across the word 'semáforo solar'. Is that an incorrect use?
>Is this a joke? I can't see any meaning in it. Do you brothers from
>Portugal see any meaning here?
>I could imagine an instrument that indicates if the sun is shining or not.
>We could call that object a "semáforo solar". Even in this case
>it would be pushed too far.
>As you all know, "semáforo" (semaphore) means indicator, flag,
>signalizer, etc. So a "semáforo solar"  would be some kind of
>>signal based on the sunshine.
>Perhaps a device lost people
>could use to send signals to airplanes saying indicating they
>need help. This kind of usage would make sense to me.
        I wonder if it is a translation for "heliograph', a device for
sending Morse code by flashing the sun's rays from a mirror?



Peter Mayer                 | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Politics Department         |
University of Adelaide      | 'phone:+61.8 8303 5606/5610
Adelaide, SA 5005           | FAX: (+61.8) 8303 3446
AUSTRALIA                   |

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