I have read of sun compasses being used by arctic explorers. Near the
magnetic pole the horizontal component of the magnetic flux is weak and
magnetic compasses are not reliable. For half the year a sun compass would
be useful.

Roger Bailey
Walking Shadow Designs
N51  W 115

At 11:04 PM 3/22/99 +0100, francois.pineau2 wrote:
>     Hello,   I thank all persons who help me in my search  about
>Suncompass. I will put all informations I received on a web site . I will 
>give you the adress of this one.   But I still have any questions. Is
>somebody Knows if other army than US have  used this device or similar
>device? Is this device was used only in north  Africa? What is the main
>cause to use the suncompass:  Presence of magnetic rocks in Sahara or
>because of armured vehiculs are metallic  made? Thanks   François 

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