Fellow Shadow Watchers.

Some time ago I requested List members to send me the word/s for 'sundial' in 
as many languages as possible with the promise that I would publish the result 
via the List when complete - I was unaware of the list already prepared by 
Daniel Roth at the time.

An unedited summary of the various contributions is given below which refers to 
but excludes the images in Chinese and Arabic caligraphy although I can forward 
the latter on request.  Due to formatting differences of emailing software I 
apologise for any such errors which may have arisen as a result.

The names of contributors are omitted but their essential supplementary notes 
have been included.

Many Thanks to all offered their help.

Tony Moss.


In Portuguese "sundial"  is "relógio de sol". Please, pay attention to the "o" 
after the "l" to make sure it is accented with an accute accent.

My Hindi dictionaries give 'dhupghadi' (literally 'sun clock').  A more 
accurate, but
typographically more obtuse rendering would be: dhuupghaDii (using 
capitalisation to indicate retroflexion...)

In Afrikaans its called "Sonwyser", almost like in Dutch, as Dutch is one of 
Afrikaans' originating languages.

Let me be the first with the Finnish: aurinkokello. Which, not surprisingly, is 
literally sun(aurinko) clock(kello)

Slunecni hodiny - Czech
Sonnenuhr - German   means the same thing - "sun clock"

One more information: "Relógio de Sol"  can also be called "Relógio Solar".
To me this second form is a little more sophiscated (just a little bit).

In Mexico people know the sundial as:  Reloj de Sol  or  reloj solar
There are other words not popular: Horologio (orologio in italian, horologium 
and solarium in Latin) Cuadrante (cadran solaire in french)

In Spanish "sundial"  is "Reloj de sol". Another more controversial word exists 
"Cuadrante Solar". I did not mention this before, but in some (very rare) 
instances you can also find "quadrante solar"  in Portuguese. My guess is that 
this is a mere copy of the way the French call it. I think unless you are an 
accomplished snob you would never use "quadrante solar" in place of "relógio 
solar" (or, more commonly, "relógio de sol").

To translate:   sundial         sundials
Dutch:          zonnewijzer     zonnewijzers
A remark to the German word:
German:         Sonnenuhr       Sonnenuhren     always with capital S.

In Spanish (Mexico) we sometimes also use the word RELOJ SOLAR instead of RELOJ 
DE SOL. Both are correct.

Of course in French the term is "cadran solaire"

In Japanese the term is " hidokei", as the sundial links owned by Mr. Daniel 
Roth.  "hidokei" means "sun clock".  "hi" is the sun.  "dokei" is to measure 
time or a time measuring instrument.

In Chinese, it is called Ri Gui. Ri means sun. Gui means a kind of tool to 
measure something.

in my dialect (venetians---Venice italy) we *could* say "reogio de sol" and in 
ancient version  "relogio de sol" 

Translation in western alphabet :
- modern Arabic Language           Sundial  =    sa'a  shamsiyya
- medieval Arabic   L   Horizontal Sundial  = rukhama (lit. marble)  or  basita 
(lit. flat)
Vertical Sundial = munharifa.

i just want to specify that we (I mean venetians...) *could* say "reogio de
sol", but usually everybody in Italy (you surely know...), call sundials
"meridiane" or "quadranti solari". In my dialect we usually say "meridiane".
Venetians word "Reogio" means literaly *clock* in english and "reogio de sol"
could be  traslate into english "clock made by the sun".

I was looking for something completely different a while back and chanced upon 
Winslow's Tamil & English Dictionary.  Unfortunately it is only 
Tamil-to-English.  But I made a fruitful guess, dredged up my rusty Tamil and 
found it.  In my pedantic transliteration it is: suuriiya kaDii-haaram.  A less 
accurate but more graceful rendition would be: suriya kadiharam. (lit. sun 

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