Dear All,

Can anyone clarify American and European time zones for me? I am trying
to write instructions for setting up a dial which can be used in any

The NASS dialist's companion gives the meridians for US time zones
as: Atlantic 60° W
       Eastern  75° W
       Central  90°W
       Mountain 105° W
       Pacific 120°W

Do all Americans adhere to these time zones, or are some like the French
like to be one hour ahead of GMT even though France lies within 7.5° of the

If I set up a dial in say Pittsburg, Pennsylvania (longitude 80° W) which
tells local solar time,
ignoring corrections for the Equation of Time, am I correct in saying that
it will run 20 minutes slow to Eastern Standard Time as it is 5° west of
the Eastern time meridian?

Do countries in Europe apart from France adhere to the 'correct' zone? 
What about daylight saving in the US and Europe?

Any help gratefully received.

Harriet James  

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