Your U.S. Time Zone designations are correct, but the boundaries are determined politically, not strictly by latitude, and are subject to change. For example, time in Indiana is determined by county, and a redetermination was recently considered. However, I would think (probably too optimistically) that most Americans know which time zone they are in.

Daylight Saving Time is another complication, I think determined by each state. Some in California are now proposing a Double Daylight Saving Time due to the current energy crisis.

Concerning Indiana see

Link to U.S. Code for Time Zone boundaries:


At 04:35 AM 3/27/01 -0500, you wrote:
Dear All,

Can anyone clarify American and European time zones for me? I am trying
to write instructions for setting up a dial which can be used in any

Gordon Uber   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  San Diego, California  USA
Webmaster: Clocks and Time:

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