recently in the Italian sundial-mailing list gnomonicaitalia a very interesting new CD ROM was announced. It is a pleasure for me to write about it in Daniel Roth's international sundial mailing list:

Edizione CD ROM
Luglio 2001
Roccasecca -FR

Ten books of Nicola Severino and 33 articles spread in different magazines are carefully collected and provided in this CD ROM.
I am sure, this work is not only interesting for Italian speaking Gnomonists!

Next year we will celebrate the 400th anniversary of the great
Athanasius Kircher. Here you can leaf through Nicola Severino's book Gnomonica Kircheriana. Or you are looking for details of a title of a rare sundial book: Have a look at International Bibliography of Gnomonica. Or you are interested in Astrolabes: Have a look at Il libro degli Astrolabi.
Or you simply want to have a look at Italian sundials: Just dig in the articles and the books. You will be delighted!

Where can you get this CD ROM?
Just send an email to the author!

Reinhold R. Kriegler
53° 07' N   8° 54' E

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