I guess that there have been more private emails about the subject of alerting friends to a possible or real virus. I thought that the general response created the atmosphere that notification was appreciated, real or hoax.

I coach kids baseball every now and then and there's one thing that you learn very quickly, and that is to duck when someone shouts; "duck"

Yorktown VA

At 08:36 AM 1/24/2002 -0800, Ron Anthony wrote:

I agree that the forwarding of virus alerts are the best way to spread hoaxes and should be curbed. After all, a hoax is a bad meme, and spreading it does no one any good.

However, I must disagree that you should supress the news of a real virus that has infected your computer. Just as with human viruses, the infection speads to those you know the best. And just with human viruses, you have a duty to notify those you have had contact with so that they can be on guard for unknowingly being infected.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Fernando Cabral" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Donald Petrie" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: "Sundial List" <sundial@rrz.uni-koeln.de>
Sent: Thursday, January 24, 2002 5:03 AM
Subject: Re: Virus hoaxes

> Since I wrote a message about hoaxes I have been bugged
> by the impression that it was not welcome. In fact most
> public and private messages I've received are very kind
> but somehow manage to say "let the hoax come".
> Now, it seems my message did not get thru. Let's hear what
> Donald Petrie says:
> >I agree that information about computer
> > viruses should be
> > shared as widely as possible.
> With different wording I heard this same thing from half a dozen
> people.
> That's precisely the principle hoaxes are based on. This belief
> is their lifeblood itself.
> Yes, information and education about how virus and hoaxes work
> should help. Maybe it is the only thing that will help.
> Nevertheless, since MOST messages about virus are, in
> fact, hoax, spreading the "news" is, in fact, spreading
> the "virus" itself!
> That's why notices about virus should NEVER be spread. No
> matter how good the intention is. It will only accomplish
> what the bad guys want them to accomplish: clog the network
> and everybody's mailbox. And they will do it using candid,
> and well-intentioned hands: yours.
> There ARE real virus and there are hoaxes. The treatment
> for both is the same: delete them and DON'T SPREAD THE
> NEWS! If you want to be useful, beneficial, show solidarity,
> then teach your friends how to detect a virus or a hoax
> (or better yet, how to avoid them!). But do it in private
> message exchange. Person to person.
> Again, in the Internet, anything that resembles a
> "pyramid" or a "chain" is nasty and has nasty
> results. Hoaxes and news about virus have this
> characteristc.
> So, I must insist, spreading news about virus and hoaxes
> IS sinful, deleterious, even if SOME people might find
> it informative and helpful. Perhas it will do a little
> good to those few, but it will certainly do great damage
> to the Internet as a whole and to the vast majority
> of users that will not benefit from those "alerts",
> be them real (very rare) be them fraud (most common).
> I know, it has been proved time and again that most
> people will do something -- anything -- if they can
> SEE that a FEW are benefitted, as long as they DON'T
> SEE that MANY are hurt. When a person spreads hoaxes
> she tends to listen to those who may eventually benefit
> from their action. She will not take into account those
> that are impaired.
> The only acceptable attitudes about virus and hoaxes are:
> 1) Delete them
> 2) If you want to know for sure if it is a real virus or a hoax,
>    check some of the sites where this kind of information is
>    logged. - as Donald Petrie mentioned,
> http://securityresponse.symantic.com
>    is one of those sites.
> 3) If you think some of your friends might need help about virus
> and
>    hoaxes educate them on a person-to-person basis. Eliminate
>    any possibility that your teachings be taken as a "chain"
>    or "pyramid" because if you don't your teachings themselves
> may
>    become a "hoax".
> Net etiquette is based on good will and respect for each other.
> No one can impose a certain behaviour. This is good for the
> democracy,
> for the diversity and for life itself. Some people do not develop
> good etiquette because they do not have an opportunity to learn
> it. Some people do not develop good etiquette because they have
> not given due attention to the understanding of the REASONS why
> we should refrain from doing certain things (or perhaps do
> certain
> things).
> As I said, hoaxes thrive on solidariety, goodwill, benevolence,
> candidness. All good things that as human beings we are proud
> to have or cultivate in ourselves. These positive characteristics
> are USED and MANIPULATED by hoax-makers who know the human
> character. By so doing they incite good people to do an abusive
> and malicious thing THINKING they are doing a very good thing.
> So, please, next time you receive a message that directly or
> indirectly suggests that you should send it to a great number
> of people stop and think. Think twice. Think thrice.
> After CHECKING that the message is HONEST and not APOCRYPHA
> and after careful consideration about how many people will
> benefit by getting it and how many people might be harmed
> by getting it, if there are still some names in your list,
> then send the message. Preferably to their personal address,
> not to a list.
> Thinking before clicking the "forward" has never done any
> harm. Clicking too fast has.
> - fernando
> PS - I will accept those that will insist in spreading hoaxes
> because
> they believe they are doing something good. Humanity has survived
> all kind of gossips, rumors, hoaxes, prattle since dawn of times.
> There was a time when it was spread from mouth to ear and ear to
> mouth; then by
> letters, newspapers and the like. Eventually by the radio and
> TV. Now by the Internet. There has always been those few who
> CREATE the hoaxes and those many who "innocently" spread them
> around.
> Hoaxes and gossips and rumors DO NOT SURVIVE without "innocents"
> spreading them around.
> Humanity will survive this time too. Perhaps, with a message
> like this one I am sending now those who have done because
> of their innocency only
> will not do it anymore. Or perhaps I am completely wrong in
> every respect and aspect. And perhaps some people will even
> want to have my tongue cut because I am a messanger that
> says: hey, look out, someone is manipulating your sentiments.
> So be it.
> > Donald Petrie wrote:
> >
> > This is my first submission to the Sundial List and,
> > ironically, it is not about sundials.
> > Having recently been a victim of the "Sulfnbk.exe" hoax, I
> > thought that you should be aware of a valuable web site -
> > http://securityresponse.symantic.com
> > At this Gito home page, click on [Technical Support], then on
> > the Symantic page, click on [Security Response]. Here you will
> > find all kinds of information about virus threats and
> > a Reference Area where you can find Hoaxes listed. Click on
> > this and you will find a surprising number of virus hoaxes out
> > there in cyberspace. If you have deleted "Sulfnbk.exe" and wish
> > to re-install it, there are instructions on how to do so.
> > (Sulfnbk.exe is a Windows utility used to store long file
> > names; it is not required to run Windows).
> > I agree that information about computer viruses should be
> > shared as widely as possible. The above web site provides a
> > good way to check them out.
> >
> > Don Petrie.
> --
> REDUZIR, REUSAR, RECICLAR -- Dever de todos, amor aos que virão
> REDUCE, REUSE, RECYCLE -- Everybody's duty, love to those who are
> to come
> Fernando Cabral                        Padrao iX Sistemas Abertos
> mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]             http://www.pix.com.br
> Fone Direto: +55 61 329-0206           mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> PABX: +55 61 329-0202                  Fax: +55 61 326-3082
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