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>I also want to edit out the bad parts.
I'd really like to include my little style shift movie in my PowerPoint
presentation for the NASS conference, but I'm not sure how to do it.
(Somebody told me that there are files called mpegs, like jpegs but for

I did something similar for my daughter's wedding using edited embarrassing
highlights from her youth.   The clips had been taken on a VHS camcoder and
I used a Pinnacle MP10 external interface and software to edit the clips on
the PC and to fade them and the sound etc - Not sure if this Pinnacle
product is international or not but I am sure there will be plenty
compatible ones in the US.  I then recorded it as an MPEG file as you
suggest and it ran easily within Powerpoint..  It wouldn't be hard to
delete every other frame to speed things up by a factor of two but it might
be tedious...!

Be careful though if you intend - as I originally did - to hire a laptop so
I could more easily give the presentation in the hotel.  The problem is
that most laptops up to 1999 had video cards that cannot keep up with MPEG
video.  They do manage to process it but only in a jerky fashion.  If you
do go for hiring such a PC then make sure it is fast enough.  I was told
that if I got a laptop with a DVD interface then the video cards on those
are likely to be fast enough.  Failing this you'll just have to take your
desk top PC with you to the conference!

If you also use a digital projection device that handles the sound as well.
 It can all be very neat.

Hope this helps...


Lat:     N  51d. 49m. 09s:  Long: W 00d. 21m. 53s


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