On Wed, 19 Mar 2003, [ISO-8859-1] Anselmo P?rez Serrada wrote:

> Dear dialists,
> As you all know, a Meridian Dial is a sundial with only one hour line: 
> that of noon,
> which coincides with the meridian or N-S line if we measure local time.
> In Europe you can find them in some temples, the most outstanding ones 
> being these:
> Date      Height         Temple                   City
> =================================
> 1437       50 m     Holy Sophie               Istanbul
> 1468       90 m     S. Maria del Fiore      Firenze
> 1653       27 m     S. Petronio                 Bologna
> 1743       26 m     S. Sulpice                   Paris
> 1786       24 m     Duomo                       Milano
> By 'Height' I mean the height of the (pinhole) nodus from the ground in 
> meters.
> Now my question is: does anybody know about some other remarkable 
> meridian lines,
> maybe in other continents, maybe modern ones, or showing mean time, etc...?
> Best regards,
> Anselmo

You will have to do some digging to find out more about the individual
meridian lines, but I have some photos on my Web site, courtesy of Franco
Martinelli. They illustrate a number of Italian churches' lines, during
the solar eclipse of August, 1999. All the churches are named, so they
should be traceable.


37.406847N 122.027872W (at work)


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