In the March 10 Time magazine, there is an article by Richard Lacayo about
the winning design by architect Daniel Libeskind to rebuild to World Trade
Center Site.

It describes an interesting solar marker or "wedge of light"  that will be
built into the design to mark the precise time of the attack and there is
also a photo of the architect's original sketch of this.

The article says:

"In a gesture that harks back to the ancient markers of Egypt and Peru, he
has designed his public squares so that each year on Sept 11, a wedge of
sunlight will fall across one of them (a tower) from 8:46a.m., when the
first of the hijacked planes struck, until 10:28 a.m., when the second tower


John L. Carmichael Jr.
Sundial Sculptures
925 E. Foothills Dr.
Tucson Arizona 85718

Tel: 520-696-1709
Website: <>
----- Original Message -----
From: "Robert Terwilliger" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "'Sundial Mailing List'" <>
Sent: Sunday, March 09, 2003 5:59 PM
Subject: A sundial at the rebuilt World Trade Center?

> On the Discovery Channel last night there was an hour long show titled
> "Rebuilding Ground Zero"
> The description from TV Guide online: Detailing the rebuilding process
> at what has become known as Ground Zero, the 16-acre area of New York
> City where the World Trade Center was destroyed.
> One of the incidental background views was of a hand making a drawing of
> an analemmatic sundial with an analemma as a dateline. This, as we know,
> will not work. The narration at the time was not associated with
> sundials.
> I wonder if anyone else noticed this, or if anyone knows any more about
> a sundial of any nature being included in plans for the rebuilding of
> the World Trade Center.
> Regards,
> Bob Terwilliger
> -


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