Hi Jim:

Yes Fer's Program and other programs will tell you the amount of sunshine
that any
> particular site will receive, but that's only gives part of the answer
because it gives hours of sunshine at the site and not on the dial face.
(You're talking about Site Efficiency, not Sundial Efficiency) No, such a
computer program would have to be more like Bob Hough's program that is dial
specific as well as site specific.  But Bob's program only gives part of the
answer too.

To determine the Efficiency Rating of a particular dial, you would have to
calculate the # of hours that the sun shines on its face for each day of the
year, then you would have to add up all those hours.


----- Original Message -----
From: "J.Tallman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <sundial@rrz.uni-koeln.de>
Sent: Thursday, July 17, 2003 12:13 PM
Subject: Re: Sundial Efficiency Rating

> John,
> I think Fer's sundial program will tell you the amount of sunshine that
> particular site will receive, and I think it takes into account the
> different sundial types and declinations. It will give you the sunrise and
> sunset times as well.
> It now has an easier name to spell as well, it is called ZW2000 and can be
> had here:
> http://www.de-zonnewijzerkring.nl/eng/index-links.htm
> A version of the software is also on the NASS Repository disk.
> Hope this helps, at least you can experiment with it to get a feel for
> of the questions you asked.
> Jim
> -


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