<<Please do share the formula(s) that you have for Easter.>>
The one that I use:-
                             Divide by             Integer              Remainder
Year                           19                  Discard                 a
Year                          100                     b                      c
   b                               4                     d                       e
b+8                             25                     f                   Discard
b-f+1                             3                     g                  Discard
19*a+b-d-g+15             30                 Discard                  h
   c                              4                       i                       k
32+2*e+2*i-h-k             7                   Discard                  l
a+11*h+22*l                451                    m                  Discard
h+l-7*m+114                31                     n                       p
Then p+1 = the day of the month
and n = the month
Beware the diffference between l and 1 - the difference disappears if you use Times New Roman as your font - switch to Ariel
Mike Shaw
53.37 North
03.02 West

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