Hi John,
An article of Behrendt is in
Schriften der Feunde Alter Uhren
Band XXIX, 1990
page 175 - 190.
Title: Alte englische Fenstersonnenuhren (II).
In Band XXIII, 1984 another article of Behrendt about glass sundial was published,
page 157 - 164.
Title: Alte englische Fenstersonnenuhren.
And finaly in band XIX, 1980 he wrote the article with title
Historische Galssonnenuhren,
page 161 - 178.
This is history in reverse.
Which copies you have?
Best wishes, Fer.
Fer J. de Vries
Eindhoven, Netherlands
lat.  51:30 N      long.  5:30 E
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, September 08, 2004 8:01 PM
Subject: Re: Need Behrendt Article

All I know about this publication is that it came out in 1990. On his videotapes he calls it ""Neuzeitliche Glassonnenuhren".
But It might have been published originally with this title:
"Alte englische Fenstersonnenuhren II" Schriften der "Freundealter Uhren" Heft XIX"
I do not know where his articles were published.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, September 08, 2004 10:04 AM
Subject: Need Behrendt Article

Hello Dial Historians:
We are looking for an article written in 1990 by the German stained glass sundial historian, von Hans Behrendt.  It's the third of three articles that he wrote.  He later made videotaped movies of the sundials that were in his articles.  It's very important to us, since he documents many rare and lost historic stained glass sundials from all over Europe, including some English ones that you English guys have never discovered!  Some date to the 1500s.  He even discovered the lost Victorian English dials.  So this is very important for historical reasons. 
It's called: ""Neuzeitliche Glassonnenuhren".
thanks a lot if any of you have a copy.  Would my German friends pass along this request to the other German dialists?  If anybody has an English translation of it, it would save Dave and I a lot of work.
thanks again,
John Carmichael
John L. Carmichael
Sundial Sculptures
925 E. Foothills Dr.
Tucson AZ 85718-4716
Tel: 520-6961709

Sundial Sculptures: http://www.sundialsculptures.com
Stained Glass Sundials: http://stainedglasssundials.com

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