Hi John & all,

Only after I saw the cupolas in your links, I understood that these were not
dome-shaped, but square. I found some examples in the Netherlands, which I
put temporarily on my website, at: www.fransmaes.nl/sundials/cupola.htm .

You surely will show us the results of your enterprise?

Best regards,

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "John Carmichael" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Sundial List" <sundial@rrz.uni-koeln.de>
Sent: Saturday, March 19, 2005 6:55 PM
Subject: Sundial Cupolas

Hello All:

I'm considering building or buying a four-sided painted wood cupola with a
copper roof for the roof of a home. I'd like to put a sundial on each face
of the cupola and then a neat weathervane on top.  I've had great fun
searching for cupolas and weathervanes online.  There are and endless
variety of styles and available.  Most of the companies that sell cupolas
also sell weathervanes.

Here's a photo of one of the windcup weathervanes I like:

And I'm thinking of a cupola that would look something like this (Glassed
Mahogany Pagoda
with 701 Finial Image 2), but with sundial faces instead of windows:

Have any of you ever seen a cupola or "clock tower" with sundials instead of


p.s.  Do you think the copper weathervane will act like a lightning rod?
Maybe it should be grounded?

p.p.s A lot of the weathervane websites sell marvelous copper finials that a
dialist could use for perpendicular gnomons.


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