Greetings all!

I am brand new to this list, and I hope that the question I have isn't 
one that's been addressed before.  If it has been, perhaps someone can 
point me to some archival material.

I am very interested in sundials but don't know much about them.  I do
know that I have a problem, here.  Since the height of the gnomen is
linked to your latitude, as you approach the equator the gnomen gets lower
and lower.  Here at 13 degrees north, a sundial must be quite large for
the gnomen to have an appreciable rise. 

I did a wristwatch sundial activity for teachers in Pohnpei (another
Pacific island) which is at 7 degrees north.  The rise on that gnomen was
so small that it was impossible to cut out. 

Is there some way to overcome this problem?  Someone once suggested that 
perhaps the sundial base could be tilted.  Any help you can provide me 
would be greatly appreciated.


   |                                                                      |
   | Pam Eastlick                     | Email  : [EMAIL PROTECTED]         |
   | Planetarium Coordinator          | Voice  : (671) 735-2783           |
   | CAS/DNS                          | Voice  : (671) 735-2780           |
   | University of Guam               | Fax    : (671) 734-1299 or -4582  | 
   | UOG Station                      | Coordinates: 13.25N, 144.47E      |
   | Mangilao, Guam USA 96923         | Time   : GMT+10    EST+15         |
   |                                                                      |
   |                LOOK UP TONIGHT, THE UNIVERSE AWAITS YOU!             |

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