Hello Mike,

Those are all excellent points, but in my mind the most important attribute for a sundial is whether or not it's a pleasing object to look at, for most of the time it won't be sunlit. Here in Vermont a sundial is lucky to see the sun 15% of the hours in a year. Heck, half of the time it's night!

Best wishes,


P.S. Tony's dials are always pleasing to see, sunlit or not.

Fellow enthusiasts,

I get really annoyed about the sundials that I see on sale in garden centres here in the UK.
The people who make them seem to have no conception about how they work.
As they are invariably horizontal dials, I thought I would put a "Buyer's Guide" to such dials on my web site.
I think there are 5 golden rules - have I missed any?

Check it out - follow the link from my home page.
Helpful comments welcomed.

Mike Shaw





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