Hi Everyone
My date scale has been put on hold for a little bit since it is sooooo cold now: 12 degrees F at night and only in the 30's during the day! Brrrr! I hope this cold weather doesn't hurt the concrete - it was pretty hard before the cold front came in. It was 60 degrees the day the concrete was poured!
Thanks Frans for your info! If I understand you correctly, you are saying that the analemma is positioned along the E-W line? Horizontal instead of vertical?
Jim - thanks for the picture of your cats! They are so great! The black one looks like one of our cats "Planet". I love your sundials! I have seen your website before when I was scanning the internet - I think I put it in "my favorites" lol! The site itself is superb! I have fishtanks in my house and sometimes the light shining through the window hits the tanks just right and behold a rainbow on the wall! I love it!
Thanks Chris for your info. A round date scale...hmm. I was noticing when comparing the date scale to the analemma that the months did go around the centerline in a circle. I like the circle format.
Thank you John for answering my questions. Thanks for the copies of the date scales and the picture. Is that you in the middle?
Tony - thanks for the powerpoint presentation on the analemma! That is great! Your heliochronometer is very cool!
Thanks Fer de Vires for you info!
More info on my dial:
The large basalt rocks I used for the hour marks were laying along the fenceline of our cow pasture (an abandoned rail road bed). They were taken out of the ground when the drainage ditch was dug way back when for the railroad track. There's a lot of basalt in Washington from old volcano flows. Some of our rocks must be over 300 pounds. My friend and I moved them by wrapping a heavy chain around them and pulling with a pickup truck. Then rolling them onto a metal "sled". Then we pulled the sled with the truck to the sundial and manouvered them into place. Of course I had to have them PERFECT so this took a while!
The rest of the concrete:
I ordered 4 yards of concrete - some of it for the dial, but most of it for another project I am working on: converting the chicken pen into an art studio! The chickens already have their new pen - this time far away from my house - boy they are noisy! And now the floor is in for the studio. YEA! Now I will be insulating the walls, wiring, etc. I learned how to do all this stuff from my husband. It's fun! I am always doing projects. I love to use my hands and be outdoors. I plan on making a labyrinth someday. I am also working on a "trail" that will wind around the perimeter of our property. I plan to make a suspention bridge along part of the trail that will cross the abandoned rail road bed where there are basalt cliffs on either side.
So many projects....so little time!
(maybe this should be my dial motto!Ha ha!)

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