Hi Roger
Thanks for the info. I have HUGE rocks for the summer, spring/fall, and winter sunrises that lie just outside the sundial ellipse. However, after reading through the seasonal markers section of your website I now realize what the seasonal markers are. I placed the rocks so that the "line" from the sundial to the horizon, where the sun rises, passes through the center of the sundial! Oops! I am beginning to see now why this type of sundial is in an elliptical shape - I never fully understood that. I also have the seasonal sunrises marked further out on our property as well as the N-S and E-W lines. But they all line up with the center of the sundial. I am definitely going to add the "real" seasonal markers to the sundial. I have been working on this sundial project for quite sometime. I started a long time ago, and kept moving the location using portable hour marks. My shadow in the summer just about reaches the hour marks. I may make lines that radiate from the center out to the hour marks anyway. I really enjoy making this sundial. It is fascinating to me. I love learning new things about these sundials - some of it is over my head though and takes time to figure out. I appreciate you all and the great information I have been getting. Thank you again.
p.s. I have not seen the Shaha Lake analemmatic sundial....yet.

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