Dear Friends:

After our first failed attempt to create a website about Painted Wall Sundials 
I was sad and disappointed, but Dave Bell and I received so very many letters 
of support and encouragement from so many of you, that you changed our minds, 
and we decided to attempt to redo the website, but this time in the proper way. 
 It was just too important for us to abandon it.  With a new attitude and 
renewed enthusiasm, over the past several weeks, Dave and I have been working 
very hard, in secret, redoing the entire website. This time around we made 
every possible effort to fully document the painted wall sundials in our Image 
Archive and to get permission from all the owners of the photographs to use 
their photos.  We should have done this from the beginning as you made me 
realize. You all taught me a valuable lessen for which I am very grateful!  So, 
in return, Dave and I would like to give to you, our friends on the Sundial 
Mailing List, this website as a Christmas Present.  We’re send!
 ing thi
s letter to you on Christmas Eve in the Western Hemisphere so that our friends 
in Europe will get it on Christmas morning.  I only regret that I could not 
gift wrap it for you with a pretty ribbon like the ones found on so many 
painted wall sundials!

I have scoured my notes and the Internet and have been able to determine the 
sources for most of the photographs, and I have contacted the owners of the 
source websites seeking their assistance to help me identify and locate the 
owners of the photographs.  Everybody involved was "sworn to secrecy" not to 
reveal the URL of the new website until we had obtained permission from the 
photos' owners. We now have permission from most of them, but we are still 
trying to locate and obtain permission from a few others. In addition, we are 
gathering and posting information on the sundials’ makers, locations, dates of 
construction, photo origins, source websites, and the photo owners' and dial 
makers' websites and email addresses.  We have also included separate pages 
with Technical Info rmation about PWS construction and a Commissioning page to 
help people find sundial designers, makers and artists. We now have 252 
wonderful photographs in the Image Archive!

Dave and I would like to thank the many people who have given us permission to 
use their photographs and who generously sent us new photos, information, 
helpful suggestions, and who proofread the text.  Special thanks go to Riccardo 
Anselmi (Italy), Mario Arnaldi (Italy), Roger Bailey (Canada), Fer de Vries 
(Holland), Alain Ferreira (France), Antonio Giorgi (Italy), Claude Hinsinger 
(France), Reinhold Kriegler (Germany), Lucio Maria Mora (Italy), Edley McNight 
(USA), Giorgio Mesturini (Italy), Mac Oglesby (USA), and Karl Schwarzinger 
We hope you all have a very Merry Christmas and enjoy the new website.  And 
thanks again for everything.
To unwrap your Christmas present, click here:
John Carmichael & Dave Bell.

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