Roger Sinnott wrote:
> Mac and others,
> Here is a first attempt, using Google Sketchup.
>      -- Roger
> ________________________________________
> Nice!! So, you have two matching inclined surfaces, one on the pedestle, and 
> one on the "carrier".
If you were doing this for a telescope, I guess you'd put two Teflon 
pads on the carrier's surface.
For this application, more friction is actually beneficial, so that's 
not necessary.

I've seen Poncet mounts that use a ball/socket for the pivot point. How 
are you suggesting the pivot be made?
Maybe a rounded pin into a conical hole in a hardwood block? And it 
looks like the pin would lie in an equatorial plane, parallel to the 
polar end plane...

Is there a height alignment requirement for the pivot point, relative to 
the inclined plane?
Horizontally, it should be centered, but I have a feeling it needs to be 
placed at the right height on the meridian end, as well.

Great sketch - I have to get around to learning Sketchup!

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