What an opportunity!

I would strongly suggest an *international contest.*

With so many to be done, you want a variety with the most unique ideas.

Look at the contest in Reutte, Austria in 1998.  They picked a few sites 
in their city and called for entries with the promise of a small prize. 

In addition to the enrichment of their community, they did a service to 
the sundial community to inspire many new entries.

Art Krenzel wrote:
I am a new member of the Sundial listserve and have been offered a 
challenge by my community which I would like to share with the members 
of the list.
Our community as expressed an interest in using sundials as an artform.  
The challenge is to put 100 sundials on various walls in our community 
over the next five years.  I have been tasked with this challenge.  I 
would appreciate some feedback by other sundial enthusiasts in the 
myriad of ways this goal can be accomplished.  We are more focused on 
wall type sundials just from a vandalism standpoint but are open to 
mirrors on horizontal sundials as well.
Let me hear about your wildest concepts and see if we can't stir up both 
our local and sundial community.
Thank you.
Art Krenzel, P.E.
10505 NE 285th Street
Battle Ground, WA 98604
360-666-1883  voice




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