As one who has an interest in skylight sundials,  I complain
that this is NOT one!

For me, a "skylight sundial" must have the dial face

However, what this shows is the marvelous opportunities
for providing "interior sundials" on an opaque surface rather
than on windows. There are many such walls in daylighting
shafts and sun rooms.

Dave Bell has shown that the angle of  the banner gnomon
could be right for Phoenix.  At least its top edge could
be adjusted to be so.

John has pointed out that something is wrong with the
12 mark.  Unless the wall is reclining I would expect a vertical
down from the banner parallel to the bricks.  That should put the
middle of the 12 and the noon mark more towards the center of
the brick.  More like the "1" of the numeral "12".

Then there is the spacing of the hour marks . . .

Nice discovery!

Claude Hartman

see my skylight sundial, dial 18 :
although outdoors above a patio, the dial face is on the shade cloth 
I have since moved from that location but a recent visit showed the current
owners maintain this "Tove's Nest".


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