if you note the degrees in your spreadsheet as if they are a time value you can do a lot in Excel. e.g. 52:36:12 can be displayed as is typed here using the format "Time 37:30:55" otherwise it will be intrepreted as 2 days 4hrs 36 minutes 12 seconds.
you can easyly add and substract.
There are functions like minute() to extract the number of minutes etc.
Excel doesn't see the difference between coordinates and time.

At 11:35 25-08-2008, Tony Moss wrote:
Fellow Shadow Watchers,
                                          For many years now all my
dialling calculations have been done using spreadsheets in an ancient
version of MicroSoft 'Works'. A recent change of Mac operating system
has me painfully transferring everything to EXCEL version 12.1.1
Data cells COPY/PASTE directly but some of the 'Works' formulae no
longer function and 'Help' is pretty convoluted.

I need to take positive and negative decimal times e.g. 3.26 minutes and
-4.483 minutes and convert them into two columns of whole minutes and
whole seconds.  As I recall negative values of less than 1 minute e.g
-0.816 mins. were a particular problem.

 As one who has to take his shoes off for numbers greater than 10 :-)
any assistance would be much appreciated.

Tony Moss

Th. Taudin Chabot, . [EMAIL PROTECTED]


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