Hello Lloyd,
I'm sure there are many on this mailing list who will offer ideas for your 
exciting project. Orienting the walls due north/south etc would probably make 
the sundial design easiest. 22.5 degrees to that would, perhaps, be more 
interesting. Can you please help us by telling us the latitude of the house. 
The sundial geometry is greatly affected by latitude, as I'm sure you can 
Also, do you have an unobstructed view of the sky in the directions in which 
the sun rises and sets, or are there hills / buildings / whatever in the way?

Best wishes

Chris Lusby Taylor
51.4N 1.3W
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Lloyd Tackitt 
  To: sundial@uni-koeln.de 
  Sent: Tuesday, September 02, 2008 9:53 PM
  Subject: Ideas Sought


  I am in the early planning stages of building an Octagon house.  The house 
will have a central fireplace. I have no building restrcitions and can orient 
the house any way I choose - I do have a great river view directly to the South 
that will be the main focus of the house.

  In designing this house it occurred to me that it would be interesting to 
align the house with the 8 points of the compass, and then it occurred to me 
that there are many things that I could do with this, if I but had the 
knowledge.  Such as, design the house as a live in sunddial, or astronomical 
calendar with shadow line(s) falling on solstices marked on the central 
fireplace, equinoxes, eclipses, what have you.

  However, I am ignorant on the subjects above and am seeking ideas to 
incorporate into the design.  I am about a year from starting construction, so 
now is the time to plan this out.

  Any and all suggestions are welcomed!  

  Thank you





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