Dear Frans, Roger, Karlheinz, Gianni et al,

Braunschweig is fascinating and I have a new
design to offer.  See:

and I have an associated puzzle for anyone who
enjoys spherical geometry.  See below!

First, some history...


Frans, citing Zinner, said:

> The usual medieval sundial was vertical and 
> semi-circular, with 12 (equally spaced)
> temporal hour lines.  A perpendicular gnomon
> was inserted into the center, where all lines 
> intersect.

This kind of sundial has an orthogonal gnomon
and a set of 13 lines (I include 0 and 12) at
15-degree intervals.

Even on a direct south-facing wall this will
not indicate temporary hours very accurately.
Gianni has quantified the errors.


An obvious improvement is to vary the spacing
so that the hour lines are correct at the
equinoxes.  The 1334 Braunschweig dial seems
to be an example.  Roger supplied the angles
from the brochure "Die Sonnenuhren am
Braunschweiger Dom".

Gianni has another paper confirming that the lines
on this dial closely follow this spacing (though
he uses the date 1350).

Roger is a little harsh:

> The early dial at Braunschweig, perhaps 1334,
> is similar to the early mass dials...  These
> represent a crude understanding of time...

Though he acknowledges:

> There is a moderate improvement at Braunschweig
> as the angles ... represent the timelines at the
> equinox...


Mathematically exact temporary hour lines are not
straight so you cannot use a gnomon (a style which
casts a *line* shadow).  You have to use a nodus
(which casts a *point* shadow).

Running from the summer solstice point to the
winter solstice point, the line for a given
temporary hour forms a narrow S-shape.

If you draw the straight line from the summer
solstice point to the winter solstice point you
divide the S as in a $-sign.  Here is the...


Show that the straight line from the summer
solstice point to the winter solstice point
passes through the equinoctial point but
through no other point on the S-shape.


Noting that summer, equinoctial and winter
points are collinear, another obvious step
is to use the straight lines through these
triplets as approximations to the true
temporary hour lines.

Unfortunately these straight lines do not
intersect at a common point but we can
proceed as follows:

 1. Take a vertical direct south-facing wall.

 2. Set up a nodus as just described.

 3. Mark the points for the temporary hours
    along the winter and summer hyperbolas
    and along the equinoctial line.

 4. Note that, for a given hour, the three
    points in a triplet are collinear.

 5. Take a particular pair of straight lines:
    the line through the 3h triplet and the
    line through the 9h triplet.

 6. Note that these two lines intersect on
    the meridian line.  Call the point of
    intersection point G.

 7. Construct a gnomon from the nodus to
    point G.  At Braunschweig this gnomon
    would dip downwards 8.56 degrees.

 8. Draw a fan of straight lines from G
    through each of the equinoctial hour

 9. Label these lines 1 to 11.

10. The result is what you see in:

The diagram includes a hollow circle showing the
perpendicular point from the nodus to the dial.


The diagram shows the correct positions of
the hour points at the different temporary
hours at the three seasons.  The greatest
errors are at 1h and at 11h at the winter

Here are the true temporary hour times at
which the shadow falls on the hour lines
labelled 6 to 11:

        Summer  Equinoxes  Winter

         6.000    6.000     6.000
         7.023    7.000     6.949
         8.029    8.000     7.936
         9.000    9.000     9.000
        no sun   10.000    10.181
        no sun   11.000    11.515

These hour lines are exactly right at the
equinoxes and approximately right at any
other time of year.

They are, by design, correct at 3h, 6h
and 9h at the solstices and at the equinoxes
and very nearly correct at other declinations
(because the S-shapes are so narrow).

Note that 3h, 6h and 9h were important times.
These are the times that a Praetor (or appointed
deputy) would ring a bell or something.

The shadow is over half an hour late at 11h
in winter but otherwise the errors are small.
Of course, half a winter temporary hour is
not much more than 20 ordinary minutes so
it isn't so bad as it seems.

The advantage of using a gnomon over using
a nodus is, as usual, that the shadow of the
gnomon continues to indicate the time when
the shadow of the nodus is off the dial.


This seems such an obvious design that there
must be examples of it in existence.

Where is there such an example and by what
name is this variant known?


Note that there is no requirement for the
wall to be direct south-facing or even for
it to be vertical.  See:

This variant is also for the latitude of Braunschweig
but for a wall declining 20 degrees East and
reclining 10 degrees backwards).

I again show the perpendicular point for the
nodus and I have included a horizon line too.

The diagram is itself supposed to be reclining
so the horizon line is, correctly, above the
perpendicular point.

The design procedure still works because the
3h and 9h lines still intersect on the meridian
line (the 6h line) even though that line is not
vertical on a reclining dial...


Show that the intersection of the straight
lines through the 3h and 9h triplets falls
on the meridian line even when the dial is
declining and reclining.

Many congratulations if you have reached this
point.  Even more congratulations if you have
solved the puzzle and its corollary.

Time to stop.

Best wishes



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