Dear Mac,

I like your H2SS Card.

You say...

> My foolish thought was that every
> golfer and hiker and outdoors
> person would want this information.

Not so foolish!  They DO want this
information but maybe you were
marketing it in the wrong place
and to the wrong group...

The big snag with altitude dials is
that you have, at best, 90 degrees
(of altitude) to play with.

With your example dial for 43 deg. N
you have, at best, 70 degrees to play

At my latitude, 52N, I have, in
winter, only 14 degrees to play with
and the sun probably isn't shining
anyway :-)

Navigating with an astrolabe would be
a bit hazardous up here!  It can take
a long time for one-degree change in

With azimuth dials things happen much
more quickly.

Altitude dials are difficult to sell to
those who live life in the fast lane!

To market an altitude dial you need a
target group for whom the pace of life
is a bit more relaxed.

I suggest that you target people who
go fishing in the tropics!

> Can you guess how many of these 
> sundials were made?

I don't suppose that you were knocked
down in the rush!

All the best



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