After only recently learning of the Google Art Project, I looked at Holbein's 
Ambassadors today and like many others I was amazed at the resolution. This 
huge painting, it's not far off 7ft square, is here in London at the National 
Gallery and it is now available to view under Google's Art Project at:

Painted in 1533 it has the most interesting collection of contemporary dialling 
equipment all of which are painted in immense detail.  There are two globes 
(one terrestrial and one celestial), a quadrant, a torquetum, a polyhedral dial 
and a shepherd's dial and some others I don't know, all of which are set in 
such a way as to tell some 'story' to the understanding viewer.

Until now it has been almost impossible for a sundial-interested visitor to the 
gallery to attempt to understand much of the detail - there just isn't time - 
but now with this view you can. You can even see for yourself the four place 
names marked on the terrestrial globe (one of which helped to identify one of 
the depicted persons as Jean de Dinteville, the Seigneur of Polisy) and you can 
even read the music and words in the open book and guess at the date and time 
shown on the shepherd's dial..

It doesn't (I think) help with viewing the anamorphic skull as a skull - or at 
least you still have to turn your monitor round to do so! - and I STILL don't 
understand the object behind the shepherd's dial...  Anybody know what that 
might be?



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