On 12/03/2011 11:47, Jackie Jones wrote:

Hi all,

And me; I have posted a few comments on the site. I am otherwise rather busy being membership secretary of the British Sundial Society as well as also making small silver dials -- www.silversundials.co.uk <http://www.silversundials.co.uk>. I also painted a large dial on the front of our house; a task many people thought my husband did. Don't women climb scaffolding?

I think I am also correct that of the last 4 BSS sundial design competitions, 3 have been won by women.

Best wishes


Jackie Jones

50°50' 09" N.    0°07' 40" W.

PS How about more folk telling us where they are?

I'm at 51:52:40 N 0:35:40 W. I don't put this in my signature because it would not be appropriate for 99 % of my emails, and I don't know of a way to have a different signature for different recipients.

Richard Mallett
Eaton Bray, Dunstable
South Beds. UK


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