Your question brought to my mind an old doubt.

As the points of perihelion and aphelion are continually changing (in a very
slowly way, but they are), so the EoT is also changing from an year to
another, right? I mean, if a century ago perihelion and aphelion occurred
not in january and july, but in december and june (it's only an example, I
don't know how much time does it need to change), then the EoT was

2011/3/25 Marcelo <>

> Hello Brent,
> as long as I know, the Earth's speed really has a variation throughout the
> year, for its orbit being ellliptical, with the Sun in one of the ellipse
> focuses, it is faster when nearer to the sun (perihelion) and slower when
> its at maximum distance from it (aphelion).
> Both the perihelion and aphelion are upon the ellipse's major axis.
> As a result, the sun's apparent ecliptical longitude changes a little
> slower in july than it does in january.
> Further, as Earth's axis has a declination of ~ 23.5 degrees, that means
> that the Sun's apparent longitude measured upon the Equator is slightly
> different of its ecliptical longitude (measured upon the Earth's orbit
> plan).
> So, neither is the Sun moving from West to East regulary throughout the
> year, neither is its movement on the ecliptic equal to that on the Equator -
> if Sun moves 1 degree with relation to the ecliptic, it may move 58 minutes
> of arc with relation to the celestial equator.
> 2011/3/24 Brent <>
>> Hello again;
>> I read this at:
>> Part 17
>> >When we look at the Sun we are observing it from a moving
>> >platform. It is the varying speed around its elliptical
>> >orbit and the tilted axis which are responsible for the
>> >daily variations accounted for by the Equation of Time.
>> I'm confused about the varying speed part.
>> Does the earth actually change speed as it travels around
>> the sun or is it just the way we perceive it?
>> thanks again;
>> brent
>> ---------------------------------------------------

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