This is a marvelous composition. It reminds me of the work of the sculptor Roger Perry. As far as I know he only did the one shown here:

However there must be many other opportunities such as covering a wall with gnomons. As pointed out by others, if they are polar then we can expect a solar time keeping. Otherwise it gives a forest of shadow casters that shorten in one point. An intriguing appearance.


There could well be many other examples of should we call it "shadow sculpture"?

Claude Hartman
35N  120W

On 6/11/2011 1:26 PM, "H. Kühtreiber" wrote:
Dear Dialists,

I am thinking about a sundial, which, to discourage vandalism, should not have a big gnomon, but rather a number of small ones.

I thought would be neat if they could be arranged in lines, so that at a certain hour the shadows line up, and the next 'set' lines up at another hour.

I include a small drawing to illustrate my idea. Something in the back of my mind keeps telling me that this might be the case for a shadowplane sundial, but I would like the little gnomons to be perpendicular to the face of the dial, for ease of construction.

Something is blocked in my head today, so I can't make up my mind if it works or not ... and it has been raining all day so I can't build a model either :-(

please give me a gentle prod in the right direction!



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