Following-on from previous correspondence, it actually seems
that the UK "Health and Safety Executive" have realised just
how ridiculous it is for schools to be 'banning' any outdoor
activities - simply because there was a small element of risk
involved, which might ultimately result in some legal action.

They have now issued a statement (see the attached PDF file),
in an attempt to clarify this unfortunate situation - which
was causing Analemmatic playground layouts to be discouraged,
both here in the UK and in other countries such as Australia.

This might be of use to list-member Donald Christensen - whom
I know is active in this area, within the Australian system.

So it looks like "the tide might be turning", back to a more
'sensible' approach to evaluating levels of risk to children,
and as well as the attached file there is further information


Martina Addiscott.


Attachment: safety.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document


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