Hi Richard

you can get all the actions you wish, I'll send you some info to your personal email.

ciao Fabio

Fabio Savian
Paderno Dugnano, Milano, Italy
45° 34' 10'' N, 9° 10' 9'' E, GMT+1 (DST +2)

-----Messaggio originale----- From: rmallett
Sent: Sunday, May 11, 2014 11:20 PM
To: sun.di...@libero.it ; Lista gnomonica
Subject: Re: R: Re: R: RV: Greenwich Meridei Redux

On 11/05/2014 21:16, sun.di...@libero.it wrote:
Not sure what you mean with "clickable map", anyway let me try to explain.

All what you see in the  'gallery' menu is also visible in the 'map' menu
where you can find a pushpin for each sundial.
With a click on a pushpin you get the corresponding sundial card, where you find any dial details (and where you can also move through the list of dials).

The first step is to get the gallery (or the map) you want by selecting a path or making a query, then you can select a sundial and have a look at each dial

Every path has a link and the corresponding QR code, you can find both of them
in the path menu.
With a click on the link you get Sundial Atlas open on the gallery, showing
the sundials of the path.

This is the link to 'Greenwich Meridian sundials':


If I click on paths from the top menu, it takes me to
http://www.sundialatlas.eu/atlas.php?prt=9 where I see a map of the
Greenwich meridian path with push pins (as you provided in your initial
message) - it would be good if that map was a Google map, so that you
could pan and zoom, and click on each push pin to take you to that
particular sundial.

It is not even clear to me how to go from
http://www.sundialatlas.eu/atlas.php?prt=12 (the number at the end seems
to change every time) to the gallery for the Greenwich meridian sundials.

http://www.sundialatlas.eu/atlas.php?sp=182 just gives me a blank page.
Clicking on Greenwich meridian sundials in 'latest updated paths' from
the home page correctly tales me to the gallery at
http://www.sundialatlas.eu/atlas.php? and from there I can click on the
individual pictures, as you say; but the sundials next to each other in
the gallery are maybe miles away from each other on the ground.

Richard Mallett
Eaton Bray, Dunstable
South Beds. UK


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