Dear Paul et al,

> Too bad there wasn't any sunshine
> for the unveiling, as I see no
> hint whatsoever of a shadow.

It was a typical U.K. wet afternoon!

You can see another pic at:

If you click on the picture it gets
bigger!  I am definitely better
dressed than the Mayor or the
Lord Lieutenant :-)

This makes it very clear that
the sundial is supposed to be a
Douglas Hunt design but it hasn't
been implemented properly.

Douglas kindly telephoned me and
pointed out many subtle errors
that I hadn't taken in.

He didn't seem too troubled by a
newspaper using his logo without
proper accreditation.  He was
much more put out that whoever
laid the dial out didn't do it
properly.  Quite right!

Neither he nor I have any idea
how his design somehow arrived
here in Cambridge.  I shall see
some of the sponsors on Thursday
but those I saw last week had no
idea who managed the project.

For those unfamiliar with the
Douglas Hunt scheme, here is an

  For a given place, design TWO
  analematic sundials, one with
  a major axis of 4.5m and one
  with a major axis of 6m.

  Place the two on top of each
  other so the two pairs of axes

  On the date line, remove the
  northern half from the larger
  design and the southern half
  from the smaller design.

  [The result is an asymmetric
  date line: winter to equinox
  is longer than equinox to

  Leave the two sets of hour
  points but have the outer
  ring showing winter hours
  and the inner ring showing
  summer time hours.

This way you get a single date
line but its scale changes in
the middle.

The neat point is that shadows
are shorter in summer so you
use the smaller ring of numbers.

As a refinement, you deem summer
to start on 1 April and end on
31 October.  Strictly you should
then get a gap between 31 October
and 1 November when you switch
scales.  It would be a good
student exercise to explain this

This arrangement more or less
coincides with the dates of
summer and winter time in

It is a pity whoever did it
didn't consult Douglas!

As it is, we have all the bits
but incorrectly laid out!

Frank King
Cambridge, U.K.


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