Thanks for the link Darek to a fascinating clip. I can't comment on the veracity of the interpretation, but it's obvious that the guide / narrator had no knowledge of the equation of time. Also the central axles do not appear to have a hole for a thin gnomon, so there's a bit of a problem about which side of the axle's shadow would be used. Every time I see carvings like those on the temple and the "dial", I marvel at the sort of economy that could invest so many resources in erecting and decorating (not in a trivial sense) the buildings. Master craftsmen at work for decades / centuries. I'm sure that the relevant god was pleased at such devotion.

Some of the videos on the right-hand side of the page are truly inspired with aliens responsible for many things. The people at Phenomenal Travel Videos obviously don't know much about science. And reading through the comments makes me despair at how easily people accept the sort of rubbish being peddled by PTV. A sad indictment of education systems that people are so quick to accept aliens and gods rather than natural phenomena as causes. A lovely example is Krishna's Butter Ball. There is little mystery about it that can't be explained by resolving vectors and adding in a bit of friction. The shape is classic granite weathering along orthogonal joints to produce an almost spherical shape. But as we have quite a few balancing rocks in Australia, I guess that Krishna visited here as well as the many other parts of the world where balancing rocks occur on granite. Think of the frequent flier miles!

How about a simpler explanation for most of this stuff: "we just don't know how these things were made"! But why admit this when e.g. Von Danniken made a lot of money peddling the same rubbish. I hasten to add that we have the same sort of thing in Australia with people claiming that carvings made in the 1960s (and documented as such) are described as Egyptian hieroglyphics from 4,000 y ago. And there are ley lines running from the site to the Nazca lines in Peru. (If anyone wants to waste their time reading this rubbish, Google "Bambara" and "hieroglyphics". There are hundreds of web sites devoted to proving the arrival of Egyptians, Phoenicians and aliens in Australia.)

Cheers, John

John Pickard

-----Original Message----- From: Darek Oczki
Sent: Monday, December 01, 2014 10:38 AM
Subject: Sundials of India

Hello All

I am very much interested in ancient India. Let's call it Vedic times. Does anyone here have any knowledge about time measuring of that period? And I do not mean Jantar Mantar observatories but rather times much much prior to that. Someone just sent me this Youtube video about a sundial of Konark temple. I wonder it there is any real science behind what they say.

Best regards
Darek Oczki
52N 21E
Warsaw, Poland
Sundials in Poland

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