Hi all,

I think the temporal hours some time are not temporal hours.
For example, when they converge in the center of a scaphen, or when they are 
straight lines that radiate from the base of the style in a plane dial.
The sundials of the past with temporal hours sometime show these kind of lines.

These psedo-temporal hours have different justifications. They were designed so 
for ignorance in the Middle Age; to semplify their construction with a 
neglectable and aware error in the Greek  and Roman Age (these plane dials are 
insensitive of latitude); probabily as the first system hours, not temporal, in 
the most ancient time, when the first sundials were born, revolving the 
meridian plane around an horizontal style N-S.
The horizontal lines, dawn and sunset, and the vertical one, the noon, identify 
correctly their time, the other lines may be a first simply attempt, 
instinctive and not calculated, to divide the day, not only with the start, the 
middle and the end of the day.
I think this was an original time system, the first time system, not temporal, 
worthy of a definition. Some years ago I proposed ‘vertical hours’ (on the 
italian magazine Gnomonica Italiana) from the name of the angles between the 
meridian plane and the same plane revolved around the horizontal N-S axes, the 
vertical angle defined by Ptolemy.

For example, you can see the recent finding of this Egyptian sundial (more than 
3000 years ago) www.sundialatlas.eu/atlas.php?so=EG9
or this reconstruction of an ancient portable Egyptian sundial, similar to a 
temple (if I well remember the original is located in a museum of Berlin), 
where the hour lines are the edge of the steps, simulating the scent and the 
descent of the Sun

ciao Fabio

Fabio Savian
Paderno Dugnano, Milano, Italy
45° 34' 10'' N, 9° 10' 9'' E, GMT+1 (DST +2)

From: Roger Bailey 
Sent: Wednesday, July 29, 2015 5:58 AM
To: Michael Ossipoff 
Cc: sundial list 
Subject: Temporal Hours

 Hi Michael  and all,

Temporal or Antique hours co-existed with equal hours from way back, thousands 
of years. It didn't take a technological device like a clock to cause a change. 
A more interesting point is the portrayal of temporal hours, 12 unequal hours 
in the day on a flat sundial. It is easy on Greek/Roman hemispheres but what 
about flat planar sundials. Is it sufficient to calculate the points for the 
solstices and draw a straight line between them? This works but is it right 
mathematically? To answer this question, Fred Sawyer gave an excellent 
presentation on Antique Hours at the NASS Conference in 2010 in Burlington. Was 
it really five years ago! Here is a clip of the abstract from the NASS website.

"Antique Hour Lines: Fred Sawyer gave another excellent example of his reviews 
of the history of complex mathematical concepts for sundials. In the case of 
Antique Hour Lines, the question was “Are they straight lines?” For millennia 
they were assumed to be, but the assumption was questioned by many 
mathematicians. Proofs were offered by Ibrahim Ibn Sinan in the 10th century, 
Christopher Clavius in the 16th, Hellingweth in the 18th and many including 
Montucla, Delambre and Cadell in the 19th, offering proofs that the lines were 
in fact curved. The various proofs tended to be empirical based on plotting the 
results of individual calculation. Biot offered an analysis in 1841 and Davies 
in 1843, but the problem was not fully solved until 1914 when Hugo Michnik 
studied the curves for the equatorial sundial, providing a method to come up 
with non-parametric equations for the curve for each hour. Fred then presented 
the graphs of various hour lines at different latitudes and inclinations. The 
curves were amazingly complex looking but the specific area of interest, where 
a shadow would be projected was very close to the straight lines of the 
traditional method."

This is why I belong to NASS, to read the Compendium and to go to the 
conferences. Here we see solutions to problems we didn't even know existed.

Regards, Roger Bailey

From: Michael Ossipoff 
Sent: Tuesday, July 28, 2015 4:47 PM
To: Dan Uza 
Cc: sundial list 
Subject: Re: Precision: the measure of all things

(I should clarify again that, for clarity, I like to capitalize _kinds_ of 
whatever sort of thing I'm talking about...such as kinds of sundials or 
hour-systems, though I realize that that capitalization is probably not 
officially correct.)

Another closely-related interesting question is the matter of what _kind_ of 
hours are used. Of course every book or article on sundials points out that, 
before mechanical clocks became widespread, civil time was measured in 
"Temporary Hours", which divided the day, from sunrise to sunset, into 12 equal 
parts, and likewise divided the night, from sunset to sunrise, into 12 equal 

Those books and articles nearly always imply or say that equal hours was a new 
invention when it was adopted--that someone invented a new way to designate 
time, and so it was adopted. Another frequent, and related, statement or 
implication is that the Horizontal Dial was an innovation that was came into 
use upon its invention because, before that, its possibility was there, but 
just hadn't occurred to anyone.

But I read different. I read that Equal Hours were in use by astronomers and 
astrologers long before they were adopted for civil time, and so they were 
hardly a new invention at the time of their adoption for civil time.

In fact, look at a Hemispherium or Hemicyclium. Designed to read in Temporary 
Hours, its hour-line, for a particular hour, crosses a different Equal-Hours 
line, according to the declination. Whether those Temporary Hours were drawn by 
calculation, or by empirical observation, it's plain that it would have been 
obvious to the dial-maker that he was making the 3 p.m. hour-line cross 
different Equal-Hours lines at different solar declinations.

One thing that I'm objecting to is that many of those books imply that 
Temporary Hours are more primitive, and Equal Hours are something more advanced 
that therefore, when invented, immediately replaced Temporary Hours.

Primitive? Rather, a lot more complicated and laborious to make. For sundials, 
and likewise for water-clocks.

People should be impressed by the ingenuity and determination of early makers 
of sundials and water-clocks, who devised Temporary Hours markings and 
mechanisms for them.

As for the Horizontal Dial, of course it's for Equal Hours. That's what it's 
convenient for. Sure, Flat Dials, including Horizontal Dials, and Polar Dials, 
and Equatorial Dials, and others, could have likewise been made for Temporary 
Hours, but they wouldn't have been easier to mark than a Hemicyclium. So it 
isn't surprising if the Horizontal Dial came into use around the same time as 
Equal Hours.

What I read was that, though Equal Hours were well known and used by 
astronomers and astrologers, no one wanted them for civil timekeeping. Hence 
the effort and ingenuity used to devise Temporary Hours sundials and 

But, when the mechanical clock was invented, and came into relatively wide use 
(as tower-clocks, and in some homes), it was so much simpler to make clocks for 
Equal Hours, that, as a result, Equal Hours replaced Temporary Hours, for that 
reason of pure manufacturing-practicality.

(By the way, were the early mechanical clocks, the Folliet Balance 
intertially-slowed  clocks, without the fusee compensation, any more accurate 
than water-clocks, which were much cheaper and easier to build?)

Temporary Hours surely made a lot of sense in agricultural societies, where it 
must have been very important and practical for farmers to know what percentage 
of the day remained. I don't advocate a return to Temporary Hours, because, 
speaking for myself, it seems to me that finding what percentage of the day is 
over, and how much or how little remains, seems a bit pessimistic, and maybe 
not a good way to name the time of day.   ...but I realize that it had 
practical importance in agricultural societies.

Michael Ossipoff

On Mon, Jul 27, 2015 at 5:59 PM, Dan Uza <cerculdest...@gmail.com> wrote:

  Hi everyone,

  If you haven't already, you might want to check out the first part of the 
documentary "Precision: the measure of all things". It's about the measurement 
of time and length, featuring the topic of sundials. There's an interesting 
theory about how the day got split into 12 hours because this number is highly 
divisible (but why not 60?). I just watched it on Da Vinci Learning. 

  Dan Uza




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