Dear Dave and Donald,

This puzzle actually has serious
practical sundial applications
as I shall illustrate.  First:

Good try Dave...

> Personally, I'd fold the paper,
> superimposing the reflected
> half-ellipse, crease it, unfold,
> rotate ~90 degrees and repeat!

Although this is not what I had in
mind, it is undoubtedly a practical
method.  I wonder whether you have
actually tried it?  The clue to the
difficulty lies in the approximation
sign you have wisely written before
the "90"!

A fair proportion of my sundials
are hand-cut into elliptical
slabs of slate.  These days,
some stone-yards will simply
accept the major and minor axes
of the ellipse and, somehow,
(water-jet?) cut a slate which
is a close-to-perfect ellipse.

Almost the first task is to find
the centre and the axes.  Clearly
you cannot fold a slate in half
and the traditional way to proceed
is to put a large sheet of paper
over the slate and crease it down
all round the rim.

You then cut round the crease and
attempt to follow your procedure!

No doubt in practised hands this
can give a good result but I find
that, no matter how carefully I
work, the two axes are invariably
not (quite) at 90 degrees.  

It is quite hopeless to refold the
paper; the folds are too close
together.  You have to start again.
I usually get it to my satisfaction
at second attempt but occasionally
I have had to have three tries.

It is especially hard if the ellipse
is not too far off being a circle,
say 1200mm x 1050mm.

This is a big sheet of paper.  Just
try it for yourself and see the

Donald pointed to a link which gives
the answer I was aiming at.  Alas,
although I find the geometry a
delight, the practicalities are
just as challenging as the folding
method!  You can get the axes at
right-angles fairly easily but
you find the "centre" is nearer
one end of the major axis than
the other, ditto the minor axis.

As so often with sundials, the
theory may be elegant and
straightforward but real life has
a way of making implementation a



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