Dear Andrew,

You are quite right...

> I thought that you were looking for a
> "straight-edge" and compass construction
> on the sheet of paper.

Yes.  I was!

Don Snyder gave us pointers to what I was
hoping for...

>   first find the ellipse center 
>   then the ellipse axes

Unfortunately, I got side-tracked by
the "folding-paper" method.  That is
a practical method but not what I
really wanted!

> One way to draw the ellipse in the
> first place is to adopt the "Trammel
> Method".

Yes.  That is probably almost as well
known as the String and Pins method.
It also gives good results if you are

> If you start by drawing the major &
> minor axes on a sheet of paper and
> plotting the ellipse from there, you
> have no need to search for the axes
> because they are already drawn on
> the paper template!

Quite so, but my real-life problem is
that I take delivery of an elliptical
piece of slate WITHOUT the axes marked
on so I have to find them!

> Am I missing something?

No.  You stayed with the question and
didn't get side-tracked like the rest
of us :-)



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