Hello Frank,

Could the space be a north-south alley, street, or park between two
buildings?  The vertical sides of the buildings adjoining the space can be
seen as two vertical gnomons for an azimuthal dial.  You would lay out the
morning hours to the west of the eastern building, and the afternoon hours
to the east of the western building.  You could scale the dials so the two
halves touch in the center, or whatever arrangement that looks attractive.


On Wed, Jan 2, 2019 at 3:44 AM Frank King <f...@cl.cam.ac.uk> wrote:

> Dear Maciej and Sara,
> Gosh.  Those are really incredible dials.
> The Nested L-shapes of the chapter rings
> on the Jacques Le Marie dial are very
> cleverly set out.  I wonder how big a
> market there was for this kind of dial!
> Maciej's description of a Nuremberg
> Diptych - The shadow was cast by the
> edges of the upper leaf of the dial -
> is quite close to what I have in mind.
> This would be fine in British Latitudes
> but as you move nearer to the equator
> you find yourself having to peer inside
> an ever-narrowing gap!
> Very best wishes
> Frank
> ---------------------------------------------------
> https://lists.uni-koeln.de/mailman/listinfo/sundial

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