We are experiencing a nasty issue with native-mode card logins on SRSS 4.1 
with RHEL 5.3. 

Basically, native-mode card login to RHEL desktop succeeds, session logout 
through the OS succeeds.  However, card out followed by card in results in 
an error dialog (appears SRSS-generated): 
   "Login incorrect; please try again." [OK]

The Linux desktop login does not appear after card-out / card-in, nor does 
the Sun Ray greeter login, only the error dialog.  Clicking [OK] causes 
brief delay, then the same error dialog returns.  (Occasionally, the 
dialog goes blank -- no text only the [OK] -- then returns again.)  This 
repeats forever; user is completely stuck at this point.  It is currently 
happening for all card users on our system whose cards are configured to 
"Regular" user in SRSS Web Admin. 

Only way we have found to clear it is to terminate the user session though 
SRSS Web Admin.  (Of course, this is VERY BAD!) 

Further factiods: 
- We are running RHEL 5.3 pretty much fully up to date patch-wise, SRSS 
4.1, along with SRCW 2.1 on the kiosk side. 
- Issue is not affecting kiosk users. 
- Users in this state show as disconnected User sessions in SRSS Web 
Admin, even when card in (not greeter).  Would expect this, given they are 
not getting login greeter. 
- At same time (while card still in) there is also a greeter session of 
the form "hotdesk.IEEE802-<DTU MAC>.  When card removed, IEEE greeter 
session disappears. (I believe this is normal prior to desktop login.) 
- Linux reboots and SRSS cold or warm restarts also do not clear the issue 
(ie. after reboots or cold restarts, the full login / logouts succeed, but 
card out - card in immediately gets stuck again). 
- System policy is Access = Card users all, Non-card users = none. 
- Another RHEL based system we have is working just fine, nominally 
configured identically.  (Go figure.) 

At the time, logs are coming out as pasted in below.  (That last one in 
login sequence, about "Error opening catalog hdloginGUI" sure looks mighty 
suspect!  ;-) 

Especially since we have one system happy, and another one most definitely 
not happy, this leads me to believe something got corrupted somehow, or 
there is a Linux or SRSS configuration issue that has crept in. 

Anyone else finding this?  Any thoughts on where to look for issues, or 
how to correct it? 

Cheers, Peter

--- logs, card out after initial session (Linux desktop) login 

Mar 17 13:37:17 trialsunray utauthd: Worker3 NOTICE: DISCONNECT 
IEEE802.00144fa817f3, Payflex.500dd28600130200 token removed: 
Mar 17 13:37:17 trialsunray utauthd: Worker3 NOTICE: DESTROY 
Payflex.500dd28600130200 lifetime=298518
Mar 17 13:37:17 trialsunray utauthd: Worker3 NOTICE: whichServer 
Mar 17 13:37:17 trialsunray utauthd: Worker3 NOTICE: CLAIMED by 
StartSession.m3 NAME: pseudo.00144fa817f3 PARAMETERS: 
{stealProtected=true, terminalIPA=, type=pseudo, 
fw=GUI4.0_48_2007., state=connected, cause=insert, doamgh=true, 
barrierLevel=320, rawId=00144fa817f3, terminalCID=IEEE802.00144fa817f3, 
MTU=1500, tokenSeq=25, firstServer=0a236503, namespace=IEEE802, 
ddcconfig=1, id=00144fa817f3, 
clientRand=.Btz8tl19L5SL8N1XwHyBblKCuD9ZqqnM4i35KI8Tam, realIP=0a23059c, 
startRes=1600x1200:1600x1200, useReal=true, event=insert, pn=48904, 
sn=00144fa817f3, rawType=pseudo, hw=SunRayP8, initState=0, 
usersession=false, _=1}
Mar 17 13:37:17 trialsunray utauthd: Worker3 NOTICE: CONNECT 
IEEE802.00144fa817f3, pseudo.00144fa817f3, all connections allowed
Mar 17 13:37:17 trialsunray utauthd: Worker1 NOTICE: MTU = 1500
Mar 17 13:37:18 trialsunray utdtsession: Add 
Mar 17 13:37:18 trialsunray kiosk:utkioskconfig:configure[1898]: Disabled 
Kiosk Mode for display ':19'
Mar 17 13:37:18 trialsunray utauthd: Worker1 NOTICE: SESSION_OK 

--- logs, card in (error dialog) ---

Mar 17 13:38:12 trialsunray utauthd: Worker1 NOTICE: DISCONNECT 
IEEE802.00144fa817f3, pseudo.00144fa817f3 token removed: 
Mar 17 13:38:12 trialsunray utauthd: Worker1 NOTICE: DESTROY 
pseudo.00144fa817f3 lifetime=54191
Mar 17 13:38:12 trialsunray utauthd: Worker1 NOTICE: whichServer 
Mar 17 13:38:12 trialsunray utauthd: Worker1 NOTICE: CLAIMED by 
StartxlationSession.m2 NAME: hotdesk.IEEE802-00144fa817f3 PARAMETERS: 
{savedType=Payflex, altuid=0, stealProtected=true, 
terminalIPA=, type=hotdesk, fw=GUI4.0_48_2007., 
state=connected, cause=insert, doamgh=true, barrierLevel=320, 
altlocale=en_CA.UTF-8, rawId=500dd28600130200, 
terminalCID=IEEE802.00144fa817f3, MTU=1500, tokenSeq=26, 
firstServer=0a236503, atr.hist_len=09, namespace=IEEE802, ddcconfig=1, 
clientRand=hsxnT32fCz.K.IPE7gdZqE//UDnrIWH1wIL4sofMqjC, realIP=0a23059c, 
startRes=1600x1200:1600x1200, useReal=true, 
atr=3b6900002494010201000101a9, event=insert, pn=34799, atr.hs=04, 
sn=00144fa817f3, savedId=500dd28600130200, rawType=Payflex, hw=SunRayP8, 
initState=0, usersession=true, _=1}
Mar 17 13:38:12 trialsunray utauthd: Worker1 NOTICE: CONNECT 
IEEE802.00144fa817f3, hotdesk.IEEE802-00144fa817f3, all connections 
Mar 17 13:38:12 trialsunray utauthd: Worker0 NOTICE: MTU = 1500
Mar 17 13:38:12 trialsunray utdtsession: Add 
Mar 17 13:38:12 trialsunray kiosk:utkioskconfig:configure[2584]: Disabled 
Kiosk Mode for display ':26'
Mar 17 13:38:12 trialsunray utauthd: Worker0 NOTICE: SESSION_OK 
Mar 17 13:38:13 trialsunray hdloginGUI: Error opening catalog hdloginGUI 

--- logs card out ---

Mar 17 13:38:42 trialsunray utauthd: SessionManager0 NOTICE: TERMINATE: 
inactive session
Mar 17 13:38:42 trialsunray utdtsession: Delete (19,pseudo.00144fa817f3)
Mar 17 13:38:46 trialsunray utauthd: Worker1 NOTICE: DISCONNECT 
IEEE802.00144fa817f3, hotdesk.IEEE802-00144fa817f3 token removed: 
Mar 17 13:38:47 trialsunray utauthd: Worker1 NOTICE: DESTROY 
hotdesk.IEEE802-00144fa817f3 lifetime=34998
Mar 17 13:38:47 trialsunray utauthd: Worker1 NOTICE: whichServer 
Mar 17 13:38:47 trialsunray utauthd: Worker1 NOTICE: CLAIMED by 
StartSession.m3 NAME: pseudo.00144fa817f3 PARAMETERS: 
{stealProtected=true, terminalIPA=, type=pseudo, 
fw=GUI4.0_48_2007., state=connected, cause=insert, doamgh=true, 
barrierLevel=320, rawId=00144fa817f3, terminalCID=IEEE802.00144fa817f3, 
MTU=1500, tokenSeq=27, firstServer=0a236503, namespace=IEEE802, 
ddcconfig=1, id=00144fa817f3, 
clientRand=mW0UaGPKwnRtvtSQjO/Ys9ZHHMx1MoAzHqQFYspKNIe, realIP=0a23059c, 
startRes=1600x1200:1600x1200, useReal=true, event=insert, pn=35139, 
sn=00144fa817f3, rawType=pseudo, hw=SunRayP8, initState=0, 
usersession=false, _=1}
Mar 17 13:38:47 trialsunray utauthd: Worker1 NOTICE: CONNECT 
IEEE802.00144fa817f3, pseudo.00144fa817f3, all connections allowed
Mar 17 13:38:47 trialsunray utdtsession: Delete 
Mar 17 13:38:47 trialsunray utauthd: Worker2 NOTICE: MTU = 1500
Mar 17 13:38:47 trialsunray utauthd: SessionManager0 NOTICE: TERMINATE: 
inactive session
Mar 17 13:38:47 trialsunray utdtsession: Add 
Mar 17 13:38:47 trialsunray kiosk:utkioskconfig:configure[3421]: Disabled 
Kiosk Mode for display ':19'
Mar 17 13:38:47 trialsunray utauthd: Worker2 NOTICE: SESSION_OK 

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