Slashdot story.....

Posted by timothy on Tuesday December 28, @18:50
from the you've-got-vdi dept.

theodp writes

"If virtual desktops are so great, asks Jonathan Eunice, then why isn't everyone using them? However encouraged folks are by the progress virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI) has made, and however enthused they may be about extending the wins of server virtualization over into the desktop realm, you don't see analysts and developers eating the virtual desktop dog food. And even the folks you meet from Citrix, Microsoft, Quest, VMware, and Wyse the people selling VDI use traditional 'fat' notebooks. So, are you using virtual desktops? Why, or why not?"

I wonder how long the abbreviation VDI will stick around.

Maybe some list members can make some corrections and/or
evangelize. :)

Derek Diget                            Office of Information Technology
Western Michigan University - Kalamazoo  Michigan  USA -
SunRay-Users mailing list

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