We are running into a problem with the display of a certain video stream.

A PC allows client-side rendering.  The program [Deep View from Right 
Hemisphere] gives the choice of DirectX, OpenGL, and software rendering.  The 
PC [running Windows 7] allows all 3 but the TC only allows software rendering 
and this results in unacceptable performance [transitions are not smooth and 
sometimes non-existent; these are work instructions for shop floor techs so 
they need that detail; we're not just watching YouTube videos].

We tried to set up an environment that mirrored a PC running Windows 7 as 
closely as possible:  SRSS 4.2 + SRWC 2.3 + Windows 2008/R2 [the latter 2 use 
RDP v7].  But the TC still only allowed software rendering.

Tom Anderson is going to look into possible VMWare-type solutions but we still 
might be too constrained by the lack of client-side rendering.  Anyone have 
ideas on how to solve this?  The customer wants to drop the TC and deploy 
workstations in those situations.


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