Just curious...

When it is said that Support makes as Sun Ray 3/3+/3i expensive, it is viewed as expensive when compared to what? Are we talking about Sun Ray sold by Sun where we had the same exact maintenance policy but sold by a Sales force on a gross number, not revenue, were all to happy to leave that off because it meant you'd buy more DTU's?

The same Sun where if you bought support on anything, you could access any patch, even if legally you weren't entitled to it? And support would take any call regardless if you had a valid support ID (not maintenance ID). And people wonder why Sun isn't around anymore.

Or are we comparing this against other vendors in the real world?

Like Wyse maintenance, which just means updates.
ThinOS is $7 USD per client for service releases
Major upgrade fro 4 to 5?  $80
WinCE $52.99


If you didn't buy support at the time of device purchase, a true up is required after 90 days.

But they have a 3 year warranty! Sun Ray only has one. Did you know that if don't manually enter your serial number for every thin client you buy within 90 days of purchase, then the 3 year warranty becomes a one year? Big catch there don't you think?


And have a lot of fun entering that data. And be sure to do it all in that 90 day window!


Then you need maintenance and support on the delivery vehicle to get those updates out to the devices. There is that free workgroup edition though. However if you want more than bug fixes, you'll pay $19 per device. Have more than 750 clients or need to do a branch architecture so you are not flooding the WAN with large OS updates (over 300 MB)? You'll need to upgrade enterprise edition. That's another $47 a seat (or $32 if you already paid $19 for feature updates to the workgroup edition)

Do you want MMR and USB-R? Per seat licensing of $40 for TCX and a yearly maintenance of $11

This is all academic right? Because you can just download the bits from their site, or get them from a partner, right?

I didn't major in finance, but it seems to me that if I wanted the same features, support, and updates that come with an expensive Sun Ray, it gets pretty expensive too, In fact if I bought this for a $250 Wyse S10 I paid 60% of the hardware cost the first year and %40 of the hardware cost the second. Sure, percentages and stats don't tell the whole truth. I can lower that 60% or 40% to something pretty low by buying one of their cloud PC's. Now I'm in the 10% range because my client is over $1,000 USD. Wait, what?

Haven't even touched upon upgrading that warranty to bronze, silver, or gold level warranty service if you'd like that unit to replaced in a timely manner or the differences in regular support and maintenance above and what the uplift of "Priority Plus Support" and "Priority Plus Maintenance"

Again, just curious.

On 2/24/11 11:11 AM, Ivar Janmaat wrote:
Hello Anil,

There are several things you can buy from Oracle.

Hardware (Sun Rays, servers, storage) = list price (if possible minus a
Support on hardware = 4% of the net price (price minus discount)
I am still trying to get the SLA document for this support since
customers are not used to support on their desktops and I need some
information to convince the customer to buy the 4% support on a Sun Ray.

Support on OS = 8% of the net hardware price. (this makes the Sun Ray 3i
quite expensive since you need this support to upgrade the firmware on
the Sun Ray)

Hardware and OS can be combined in "systems support" which is then of
course 12% of the net hardware price.

Then you also need a Right To Use license for Sun Ray or VDI software.
And last but not least you have to pay 22% support on the net price of
the RTU license.

If you want support you have to pay support costs every year.
If you add all these support costs (Sun Ray, keyboard, mouse, Servers,
Storage, VDI software) it becomes quite expensive.
My experience is that it will not fit in any desktop replacement budget
of governments that I am working with.
The only possibility is to ask for a discount since all support is based
on the net price.
The problem than is that it takes Oracle way to much time to process a
discount request.
This increases the risc that the government replacement deadlines are
not met and all the hard work has been for nothing.

I hope Oracle will look seriously into this problem because they are
losing a lot of opportunities right now with these price levels.
I have mentioned this before in my e-mails and I am hoping someone at
the top will look into this.

I have been informed that support of hardware and OS are optional.
To reduce costs you might want to try to do without the 4% hardware
support but the 8% OS support will be advisable since the development of
the Sun ray software is moving forward pretty quickly.
The OS support gives you the right to upgrade the firmware on the Sun Rays.

Kind regards,


Randy schreef:
I ran into the same issue and this is what i got back from my CDWG rep
if your SRSS is on sun hardware you can get a support license and all
of that stuff.

if it is not then you don't need to pay for it but you also don't get
any support or upgrades or patches. you would have to go thru a 3rd
party vendor or someone that you have to pay to get those those
patches and upgrades....

Thats what CDWg told me..


----- Original Message ----- From: "Anil" <replic...@gmail.com>
To: <sunray-users@filibeto.org>
Sent: Thursday, February 24, 2011 11:07 AM
Subject: [SunRay-Users] SRSS pricing?

Oracle web site is quite difficult to use. I know Sun used to have
pricing for the hardware and a separate SRSS license pricing.

Does Oracle not do this anymore?

Clicking Price Now, just takes it to the hardware. Does this mean,
just purchasing the hardware means that we could use SRSS in
production (and no separate licensing)?

How about SRSS and on something like Ubuntu?

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