Excerpts from William Morgan's message of Sun Sep 27 13:46:00 -0400 2009:
> Reformatted excerpts from William Erik Baxter's message of 2009-09-27:
> > Why does sup have a separate mode for viewing the inbox rather than
> > simply applying a default search (possibly configurable) and
> > displaying the results with search-results-mode?
> Because there are two special actions that are specific to inboxes:
> archiving and killing.

Both modes support archive and kill in some form.  So I don't understand how
this argues for splitting as opposed to consolidating the two modes.  The need
for preallocated, special-purpose labels like inbox and killed seems clear
enough.  However, minimizing the amount of magical behavior they exhibit also
seems beneficial, if only for the sake of consistency.  Treating the inbox as
something other than an ordinary label search is magical.

> It would be easy enough to add a "|" command to inbox mode that would
> spawn a search buffer with label:inbox and the rest of your search
> terms.

A patch to add this command to inbox-mode appears in the August sup-talk
archive.  I would like to see this feature become part of the base system.

Cheers, W.
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